Introducing the 1:4 scale statue of Doronjo, the charming villain of the popular anime television series, Yattaman. Although an anime character, Doronjo's elegance and charisma as a villain are reinterpreted from a modern perspective by the Blitzway R&D Team.
The unique shape of the mask and costume, and the iconic cigarette holder held in one hand, have been reproduced exactly as they were. In addition, the base, held with the opposite hand, was created to go well with the elegant Doronjo by combining the shape of smoke emanating from a cigarette and the iconic skull pattern. The Doronjo statue is approximately 385mm (15.16") tall.
Experience Blitzway's new work, Doronjo today!
- Head Sculpture reinterpreted in a modern way
- Statue Size - approximately 385mm (15.16") tall
- One (1) skull-shaped smoking pipe
- One (1) designed theme base
★Production details might be subject to change without any prior notice.
★This is the prototype shown here, the final product may be slightly different.
- Head: PVC
- Body: Polystone
- Base: Polystone
- Packaging: Color EPP + Color Box