About Us

Hello, my name is Mike Meeks and I am the owner of MPM Hobbies since we officially opened in 2022.  Unofficially we were known as Hobby Desk Detail Resins in 2021 when we started selling 3D prints we were making of model aircraft ordinance.

We are a small family owned and operated business consisting of my wife, my two daughters and myself.  Occasionally we have local kids helping and earning some money when they have time between studies, afterschool activities or household chores. Orders are fulfilled either through items in stock on our property and/or items we must order through our distributors.  This system coupled with operating on our property and having a small staff is why we can offer items at low prices.

We hope our prices and the fact that customer service is handled directly by either myself or my wife will compensate for longer wait times as compared to our competitors.  We simply do not have the manpower or space to run things like those bigger corporations and I am in no hurry to get like them. 

So why did we open this business?  Well first off it wasn’t to get rich and that I can assure you.  Mostly I did it because I have always wanted to and second, I worked in retail hobbies and dealt with some of the other companies we compete with and felt I can do better both in price and customer service. 

Some guarantees and promises I can and will make:

  1. You will either get the product or your money back. We have not and never will steal. 
  2. If something is our fault, we will make good on it.
  3. I can only guarantee good customer service if you provide us with good contact information and keep our emails from going to spam. We only send out advertising if you opt in so all other correspondence coming from us is strictly business related to your order.   
  4. I am more of a hobbyist than a businessman, so if you want to shoot the crap about hobbies, military aviation, get ideas or techniques in model building or just want to share pics and stories or your hobbies just call me at (904) 207-3360. Be sure to leave a message if I do not answer. 


My military time

Started active-duty Army 1992 and was stationed at Fort Bliss. Went reserves with the 322 QMD 1994 while in college in Jacksonville, Fl. Picked up an OCS Naval Aviator slot and went to Pensacola, Fl 1999 and stayed for API. Started flight school at Whiting Field 2000 and picked up E-6s. Stayed for intermediate flight then went to Vance AFB for advanced. Got my wings and went on to fly the E-6A and B and also time in the Boeing 737, 2001 to 2004. Became an NROTC instructor at Florida State, Florida A&M and Tallahassee Community College. Left Navy 2007 and medical issues finally ended my flying career.

Worked for a while in Civil Service and now a I own MPM Hobbies with my wife. I do tractor work on the side and run our small farm.

I have also fought and won a cancer battle, so far.

Have to keep busy or waste away. Rather be as busy as I can.